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For three years, the pandemic has made the French nervous. Anxious to escape the ambient gloom, they invest in real estate outside the big cities. The ideal is to have a garden in order to stretch your legs permanently. Alas, after breaking the piggy bank and taking out one or more credits, there is not much left for the decoration or layout of this soothing green space. Do not panic, Archizne’s editorial staff will give you 10 wonderful free garden ideas. Your mission, if you accept it, will be to give it a second life with the means at hand!

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Plants, diversion of everyday objects, you have several strings to your bow. But you still don’t know where to start. Come on, let’s go, we give you the most popular free garden ideas on the Web. You have seen that the imagination of Internet users is limitless! Follow the guide!

And the light of your garden was

Lover of dairy desserts, you have become accustomed to keeping those made of glass. Ideal for making verrines of tiramisu or cheesecake, you will be able to decline some of them into a light garland. In order not to burn your wings with this free garden idea, we recommend using battery-operated candles. Inexpensive, economical, they illuminate everything in their path.

Glass yogurt jars

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During your shopping, you like to buy tin cans. Great for troubleshooting in case of lack of time or inspiration, they can also serve as an idea for the garden. After having emptied and cleaned them, make patterns using a suitable tool. To give you an idea, we suggest that you rely on the example below. It is magic !

The surprising second life of these cans

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Two Magical Uses of Palettes

When you work in a store, you are used to receiving and then emptying wooden pallets. For the past few years, flea market enthusiasts have been ready to scour all the warehouses in the region to collect some. This free garden idea didn’t fall on deaf ears. Indeed, Archizine’s team of experts has found two wonderful ideas to make them profitable. But before starting, take care to clean them well and remove all impurities! Admit that it will be a shame to step on it and injure yourself because of a tiny splinter! This is why, invest in good equipment: white vinegar, varnish, paint and above all protective accessories (pair of gloves, mask, etc.)

A hut for the little ones

Who has never dreamed of having this kind of thing in their garden? Instead of buying a flimsy plastic model from toy stores, put some cutting oil on it and design this kind of model for your toddlers. Besides, trust their sense of aesthetics and practicality, they have much more imagination than you in this area!

Children’s favorite playground

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A terrace for adults

The advantage of this technique is that there is no need to carry out expert cutting. In any case, once placed in your green space, you will inevitably enjoy using it as soon as the sun comes up. Attention, in order not to twist your ankle in the gaps, please glue them together.

Aperitif time has come!

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Plastic, It’s Fantastic

When you have a nice sofa, you like to invest in covers with colorful and original patterns. However, after careful consideration, making some with leftover plastic bags can be an excellent compromise. The icing on the cake, by moving from theory to practice, you are doing a good deed for the planet!

Funny cushions!

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And the wood in all this?

The power of the flowers

We love perennials

Perennials provide many services to small areas. No matter the seed, it multiplies at the speed of light. On the floor, on a wall and even in a corner, each season brings its share of surprises. Decidedly, this idea of ​​garden, you are going to test it then validate it!

Perennials, the best value for money

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QUID of spring bulbs

For an expert in garden ideas, this variety of flowers deserves a look. Among them, tulips are the most popular. What if you tested in your little corner of paradise?

When spring bulbs appear as if by magic

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A homemade green wall

Do you have a stepladder in the basement? Make money by putting flower pots on it. Thanks to this investigation by Archzine, you will be able to use other everyday objects. In the sun, they will brighten up your garden. All you need is to water them once in a while.

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Zen attitude

Flat stones like pancakes, a fairly large container of water, and the magic happens!

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