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If you have a bunch of tomatoes that are still green, why not take advantage of this summer fruit and make some green tomato jam? It is very, very delicious and a great way to preserve tomatoes until winter. And today, I will give you the best green tomato jam recipes I have ever tried! Let’s get started!

Here’s How to Make the Best Green Tomato Jam

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The best green tomato jam recipes I’ve ever tried!

In addition to not wasting the fruit that will not reach maturity, making green tomato jam allows you to preserve them for a long time. Thus, you can enjoy them during the cold months by adding this delicacy to desserts, salads, cheese platters, even marinades for grilling.

It is a great addition to any meal

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Before we start preparing the jam, I will give you some tips to always succeed in making this delicacy.

So, always use at least ½ the amount of tomatoes in sugar and at least 1 lemon per kg of tomatoes. This gives an extraordinary taste! You can add a little agar-agar or a large organic apple per kg of tomatoes (for the pectin in the fruit). Always cut the fruit into small pieces and cook over medium heat. Don’t forget to do the drop test on a cold plate to know when cooking is finished. When you transfer the jam to the jars and close them, turn them upside down and let them sterilize in the air. Know that when I prepare the recipes below, I need 12 or 13 jars for 4 kg of green tomatoes.

Tips for successfully preparing this delicacy

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Without further ado, let’s move on to the recipes I have selected for you.

Green tomato jam with vanilla

Green tomato jam with vanilla is a real treat.

Ingredients :

  • 1 kg of green tomatoes
  • 600 g sugar
  • 1 untreated lemon
  • 1 vanilla pod

Place all ingredients in a casserole dish and cook over medium heat.

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Preparation :

  1. Wash and cut the tomatoes in half then into slices as thin as possible.
  2. In a casserole dish, alternately place a layer of tomatoes, then sugar. Cover and leave to marinate for 24 hours in a cool place.
  3. The next day, wash the lemons, cut them in half, remove the seeds and slice them like the tomatoes. Add them with the scraped vanilla to the tomatoes. Place the container over medium heat to gently bring to a boil.
  4. Let it cook like this, covered, for 1 hour over medium heat. Uncover and let it simmer until it reaches the right consistency. Don’t try to make the juice too syrupy, it should remain a little liquid.
  5. Boil your jars, dry them and fill them while still hot.
  6. Turn them over and let cool. Wash the jars and store them.
  7. Leave them for at least a week before opening them.

Vanilla adds an unparalleled aroma to the jam.

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Old-Fashioned Green Tomato Jam Recipe

You can’t do without an old-fashioned recipe.

Ingredients :

  • 1 kg of green tomatoes
  • 1 kg of sugar

Cut the fruit into small pieces

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Preparation :

  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them in half to remove the hard part of the stalk.
  2. Cut the fruit flesh into small cubes and transfer them to a saucepan.
  3. Add the sugar and cook over medium heat until the fruit becomes transparent.
  4. Then blend to make a good jam and cook until the jam sets.
  5. Transfer the set jam immediately into sterilized jars.
  6. Put the lids on and store in a cupboard, away from direct sunlight.

Transfer the jam immediately into jars

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Why don’t tomatoes ripen?

And if you ask why these capricious tomatoes insist on ripening, I will tell you. It is because of the temperatures that drop more and more at the end of the season. In fact, tomatoes ripen thanks to heat and not to sunlight. This is why, when temperatures drop, the last tomatoes do not reach maturity, explains gardening expert Hubert Fontaine. But, you can still harvest them, let them ripen (there are plenty of tricks to do this) and eat them afterwards! In fact, if you leave them on the plants, they will eventually rot. So do not waste the harvest and pick them green.

Don’t delay in picking any tomatoes that are still green.

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Do not hesitate to try this delight

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