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Much like the beginning of every year and spring, the month of September is generally associated with new beginnings and changes. Indeed, in recent articles, our editorial staff has given you several tips on how to transform your vision for the start of the school year. Today, it’s the turn of decorating our homes! Are you really considering making certain changes to change the atmosphere and make your home more cocooning? So, don’t forget to apply these feng shui tips to invite fortune and happiness into your home!

Discovering the simplest feng shui tips to apply in your interior now

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Feng shui tips to invite luck and prosperity into your home

The art of feng shui is a great source of inspiration to magnify our interiors. It is therefore hardly surprising that we turn to it for some fantastic and transformative tips. Let’s discover them together.

Small transformative gestures to attract luck and prosperity

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Avoid chaos and keep items in good condition

Do you think cleaning and decluttering is necessary just from a hygiene standpoint? But, make no mistake because in fact, they are essential to also renew energy and cleanse the space of all the negativity that accumulates there. So, be careful to keep all the items present (furniture, accessories, electronics, surfaces, etc.) in good condition. Does an object break down or get damaged? In this case, it must be taken care of immediately (repair it or throw it away).

Any object, small or large, in the interior must be clean and in good condition

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Add plants with rounded leaves

Plants are a fantastic ally for perfecting your decor, refreshing the interior in hot weather, improving your sleep and, oddly enough, for inviting positive energy into your home! They help us fill an empty space and break the sterile look of the rooms. By playing the role of a decorative element that comes straight from nature, plants have the ability to establish a more harmonious and relaxing atmosphere. According to the art of Feng Shui, it is important to select plants with rounded leaves. These are, for example, the Jade tree and the Pilea peperomioides. On the other hand, we advise you to abstain from thorny species.

Plants represent several assets in the world of decoration

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Attract prosperity with oranges

If you’re looking for a little decorative tip, we have the perfect solution for you! It involves placing a bowl of oranges somewhere in the house. In principle, oranges are associated with wealth and abundance. Their presence will brighten up the interior by boosting positive energy. The bowl of citrus fruits on the worktop in the kitchen or on the coffee table in the living room, for example, is an element that attracts fortune to our home.

Citrus attracts positive energy into space

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Clean windows regularly

The window occupies an important place in the Chinese art of living. Oddly enough, it is considered a gateway to happy events and possibilities. This is why it is important to clean the windows and frames often as well as open the windows regularly. This way you let the sun and fresh air enter the rooms while renewing energy and attracting harmony. Analogously, dirty and closed windows could block opportunities.

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Pay attention to the exterior decoration in front of the front door

Just like windows, the front door is considered an essential element. Its decor is mainly refined and above all, well ordered and maintained. Thinking of adding some plants? That’s okay, but make sure you keep them in perfect shape. Also, pay attention to the right lighting. Leave the path to the front door clear of objects that may obstruct traffic.

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Install a fountain to invite wealth

Are you addicted to relaxation and zen decor? In this case, don’t miss the opportunity to integrate a fountain into your home! In general, this element is associated with abundance and wealth. So, placing a small fountain in your entryway could prove to be a winning strategy. So, if you take the plunge, remember to clean the device regularly and never let it dry out.

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Toilet seat and door – always closed!

One of the simplest tactics for keeping luck in your home is to always close the toilet lid. The explanation behind this practice is actually very simple. As we just mentioned in the previous paragraph, water goes hand in hand with abundance and wealth. And we are talking more precisely about the direction of the water flow. When the bowl is opened and the toilet flushed, this can symbolize the draining away of wealth. This is why it is recommended to close the lid as well as the toilet door after each use so as not to allow the abundance to escape.

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