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The current moment is very favorable for a large part of gardening projects. Are you also full of enthusiasm and looking for ideas for your next adventure? In this case, you will definitely love our suggestion of the day. These include planting oleander in September. Is this possible and how to perform the operation correctly? Follow our super simple tips and guide.

Planting oleander in September: the secrets to making the project a success

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Oleander: toxic to the touch

So, before we look at the question of the day, it is first necessary to make a very important clarification. Aside from its undeniable beauty, oleander is actually a fairly toxic plant. This applies to animals, but also to humans.

As a potentially dangerous shrub, we advise you not to take its cultivation lightly. Only start planting it if you are sure you can find a suitable but inaccessible place for children and pets. Any part of oleander is harmful, so accidental ingestion should be avoided at all costs.

You should know that oleander is a toxic plant and should be handled with care.

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Planting oleander in September: is it possible?

Yes, totally. In principle, oleander planting can be carried out during two periods of the year. The first variation is at the arrival of spring when the plant is still dormant. The second option is in late summer and early fall when the shrub stops flowering. Moreover, sometimes we can even resort to planting oleander in July… That being said, we can conclude that the month of September is a perfect time to accomplish this task.

The current time is very favorable for planting the flowering shrub

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Growing in pots or in the ground

Normally, oleander can be installed in a pot or in the ground. Generally, the type of cultivation depends mainly on the climate because the plant cannot tolerate the cold. So for example, if you live in a cold region, it would be wiser to grow oleander in a pot and overwinter it indoors. On the other hand, in warmer regions, you can consider growing in the ground. Whatever your case, we now explain how to successfully plant it step by step.

Depending on the climate, it can be grown in containers or in the ground.

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Conditions for making the flowering shrub thrive

In principle, planting oleander is not difficult. However, there are certain important points to respect to make your plant prosper.

Find the perfect location

Like each plant species, oleander has its preferences in relation to natural light. Ideally, we find a spot in full sun. It can also grow in partial shade. Obviously, a plant grown in direct sun will look much happier, flowerier and healthier.

Also note that its location is intended to be sheltered from the wind and corners likely to be congested. To reduce the risk of stagnation, you can, for example, raise the container or put it in a large plate filled with stones.

Oleander likes sun but tolerates partial shade

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Provide it with adequate soil

In general, this flowering shrub is not capricious in relation to the composition of the earth and its pH. However, it requires that the soil be well drained. To do this, you can improve drainage by adding gravel and perlite. Lightly enriching the soil with a little homemade compost before planting the shrub is another possible approach that is beneficial for the plant.

It needs well-drained soil

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Planting step by step

Now that we know the specifics regarding the cultivation and planting of oleander, all we have to do is roll up our sleeves and get started on the project.

  1. Start by making a hole in the ground. Its size should be approximately twice as wide and the same depth as the container used in the nursery.
  2. If you plan to enrich the soil, add some compost and mix with the soil.
  3. Then carefully remove the plant from its pot.
  4. Insert it into the hole you just dug. The plant should stand at the same height as before. Its base must not exceed the surface of the ground.
  5. Then, add a little soil to the hole and water, being careful not to wet the leaves. Give the water a few minutes to absorb. Fill the holes to the end without packing.
  6. Finally, water lightly and that’s it.

Its planting is generally easy

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