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When you have a large family, it’s not easy to find Christmas recipes. Thanks to our advice, you will succeed in this mission!

A few months before the start of the end-of-year holidays, mothers of large families are thinking. What will they be able to cook for their tribe for Christmas and New Year’s Eve? Faced with rising prices, it is not always easy to find the ideal recipe. Fortunately, the Archzine team took the lead. This year, we are going to reveal our secrets to tickle the taste buds of both sweet and savory taste buds. It’s obvious, after tasting them, you’re going to have more!

What to eat at Christmas when you have a large family?

We put on the buffet

As the image above shows, one of the secrets to a successful table setting is organization. Of course, having a dishwasher remains essential. However, there are some very pretty models of colorful plastic or cardboard plates. This way, you will be able to organize a Christmas buffet worthy of a star chef. The icing on the cake is that you will be able to prepare the right proportions so that not a crumb is left! And if there are a few pieces left, you might as well offer them the next day to your large family.

A nice buffet

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Toasts for the aperitif

Foie gras is one of the most popular ingredients at Christmas. Yes, you often have to break the bank to buy a block. However, once in your mouth, this garnished toast will make you almost forget that you had to tighten your belt. Accompany them with a glass of white wine and a level spoon of onion or fig confit. This sweet and salty mixture is a real delight.

The perfect recipe

  • 1 block Foie gras
  • 12 slices of bread (your choice, white, rye, wholemeal, crumb, spices, cereals) of rye
  • 1 Small jar of fig (or apricot) jam
  • A pinch of salt or pepper

After toasting the bread slices, let your inspiration speak. Garnish them with a little liver and a good spoonful of jam.

Long live foie gras toasts

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Let it be said, the bread sold in supermarkets is not really of good quality. Often too sweet, it expires at the speed of light. This is why, this year, you are going to make your arrangements. We have no doubt that your neighborhood baker is used to handling these kinds of orders. Sliced ​​bread, wholemeal or even with spices or cereals, the smell of this loaf of bread knows exactly how to whet the appetite of your young and old distinguished guests at Christmas.

Bread, its secrets finally revealed!

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If you have mesclun, don’t hesitate to season it with a touch of raspberry or passion fruit vinegar. If you want to get crunchy, sprinkle your plate of Christmas raw vegetables with crushed roasted hazelnuts.

This time for the recipe you need

  • Two slices of foie gras cut into small pieces
  • 1 sachet of Mesclun
  • 3 tablespoons of Olive oil
  • ​Salt
  • Moulin Pepper and Espelette Pepper
  • Slices of Country Bread​
  • Raspberry or passion fruit vinegar
  • Crushed roasted hazelnuts

Ready in two minutes flat, this salad has a touch of exoticism. Thanks to the tangy vinaigrette, you will enhance the taste of this sweet and savory starter.

goodWe choose the mesclun

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Savory verrines

As the image above shows, these small containers are popular, especially with large families. Once again, there is no need to take out the porcelain service. Today, sellers offer lots of containers of this ilk, and made of plastic. Yes, nature lovers will cringe. Except they will love your recipe!

Made with fresh salmon or tuna, with fresh cheese, with shrimp or just with mixed vegetables (avocado, beetroot, tomato, etc.)we promise you can get a delicious result in seconds.

Once faced with this multi-colored buffet, your guests will want to try them. Backstage, you rub your hands. They don’t need much cooking and even less preparation. So, you can make them on Christmas Eve without taking the risk of making a mistake!

An avalanche of flavors

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Capon is the classic Christmas recipe. At the retailer, ask for a free-range chicken. More tender than the others, you will enjoy it. Be careful, this recipe requires a little more rigor and a huge dose of patience. Indeed, if you plan to stuff it with foie gras or chestnuts, you must baste the meat regularly. Nothing worse than a piece of guinea fowl that’s too dry!

Regarding time and degree cooking, experts recommend 1 hour per kilo at 150°C.In order to check if you have succeeded in this mission, do not hesitate to prick the flesh of the bird. If transparent juice flows from it, you can start to arrange the plates.

And the winner is… the capon!

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If you are tired of white meat, nothing stops you from asking your fishmonger for a piece of salmon. With spices and cooked like roast pork or veal 220°C for 30 minutes, it’s a festival of flavor in the mouth for Christmas Eve. Serve it with new potatoes, a puree vegetables (pumpkin, squash, sweet potato) or homemade fresh pasta.

Salmon changes!

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Mini logs

Now let’s move on to the Christmas dessert. Poll around you. The log is part of the top 3 and is often in first position. This is why, instead of finding ONE recipe that everyone will enjoy, make several small ones. Thanks to mussels made of silicone, decorating is child’s play.

Here are the basic ingredients for the cookie!

First, beat together 4 yellow of eggs mixed with 75 g of sugar in powder
Add 75 g of flour and 25 g of butter molten. Finally, don’t forget to incorporate 3 whites of eggs delicately whipped into soft peaks.

As for trimyou will have the last word. Red fruits like redcurrants, chocolate like black or praline, dried fruits like hazelnuts or chestnuts…you have the choice and you will win all the votes.

Logically, after a night’s rest in the fridge, your logs will harden and have this characteristic appearance.

What is your favorite log?

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Sweet verrines

As we mentioned above, verrines are the star of Christmas. Who has never dreamed of eating a small version of cheesecake with red fruits, crumble Apple, Tiramisu or even chocolate mousse? With this, we will have fewer pounds to lose after Christmas!

Cheesecake recipe

Cold or hot, the cheesecake melts in your mouth. Made with cream cheese (philadelphia, cottage cheese or ricotta), there won’t be a crumb left on gourmet’s plates!

Crumble recipe

This time it is the Brown sugar which will give this crunchy texture. After mixing it with applesauces and a crumbled biscuit, you will sprinkle your crumble mixture in a mold. It’s a delight !

Tiramisu recipe

The secret of a good tiramisu is its biscuit. Speculos, boudoirs, roses from Reims, you are spoiled for choice. Usually made with mascarpone and coffee as well as almond liqueuryou can personalize it and try the experiment with fruit or spread!

In one bite, you can taste these verrines!

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