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Building a slope with stones is a fairly advantageous solution, because it solves the problem of erosion and landslides while providing a magnificent backdrop where many plants can find their happiness. Discover without delay the advice of the experts for successfully building a slope with stones in the lines that follow. Let’s go!

Here’s how to build a slope with stones

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All the expert advice for successful landscaping of a slope

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Landscaping a slope with stones: everything you need to know to successfully landscaping on a slope

Building a stone embankment is not only a great way to retain soil and beautify your outdoor space, it’s also very easy to do.

As for the realization, you can choose between a rockery, a gabion wall, a stone staircase and a dry stone wall. And to help you, we will give you all the tips from the experts below.

Green plants and stones: a combo that never ceases to fascinate

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But before you start, you should know that you have to take into account the slope’s inclination. In fact, when it comes to a very steep slope, it is arranged differently from a less sharp slope.

A tip that I can give you and that applies to any type of garden (severely sloping or not) is to bet on terraces. In this case, you will have to choose the material with which to retain the soil. This can be wood, stones or gabions.

Stones are ideal for retaining water and soil

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One of the simplest and most beautiful achievements at the same time, in my opinion, is the rockery. It is enough to install rocks of different sizes. Then, it becomes a perfect place for some plants, such as perennials and low-growing shrubs. You have the possibility to create a stone staircase there as well or a path.

Why not create a rockery?

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Gabion wall

This wall helps to demarcate the space in your garden and maintain the slope. In fact, they are wire meshes that can be filled with stones found in your garden, purchased stones such as white pebbles, or any other material, thus creating a nice frame that will hold the soil. It is super simple to install and you can fit them together to frame the entire slope. The biggest advantage of gabion walls is the fact that they do not rust, give a very modern look to your garden and are very, very quick to fill and install.

Stone staircase

To be able to access the upper level of the slope and maintain your plants, you need to provide access. If you want to have a staircase, you can make it with stones. It is a very simple and economical option at the same time while being a pretty element, very decorative for your garden.

Use the stones to make a staircase

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Dry stone wall

For a steep slope, nothing beats a dry stone wall. The latter will retain water and soil in place. In addition, this solution costs almost nothing because you can use stones that you find on your property. If you do not have any stones in your garden, you can go hunting for stones. Choose flat rocks that are egg-shaped, advise the experts. Then, mark out the slope and select the least attractive stones for the lower part of the wall and reserve the most attractive ones for the visible part, that is to say the top of the wall. According to specialists, “the stones are just stored and are not sealed with mortar”. Simply slide a layer of soil between the rocks to hold them in place. Proceed with the rest of the stones by laying them “one next to the other”explains Hubert Fontaine. According to him, “the thickness of a low wall is 50 cm, an essential width so that the slope does not slide and then cause the low wall to collapse”.

Here’s how to build a dry stone wall

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Why not combine wood and stone?

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Here’s how to design a garden with a gentle slope

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