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If you’re trying to lose weight, but still can’t, you’ve come to the right place! In fact, knowing which foods make you bloated and avoiding them will allow you to lose weight and feel better about yourself. This is why we have dedicated the following lines to foods not to consume after 6 p.m. to lose weight and feel lighter. It’s yours !

Here are the foods not to eat after 6 p.m. to lose weight and feel lighter

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The 7 taboos of the evening: Here are the foods not to eat after 6 p.m. to lose weight and feel lighter

Did you know that the digestive system weakens in the evening? This makes choosing the right foods essential not only for weight loss but also for eliminating the feeling of bloat due to poor digestion. In addition, the latter can also cause sleep problems.

To avoid the feeling of heaviness and bloating, as well as to successfully lose extra pounds, try not to consume dishes high in carbohydrates and fats after 6 p.m. Eating light will allow you to sleep well while remaining fit and healthy.

So let’s see the foods to absolutely avoid in the evening.

Do not consume dishes rich in carbohydrates and fats after 6 p.m. to avoid the feeling of heaviness

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#Frozen foods

These products are high in calories because of their high content of hydrogenated oils, sugar and salt. All of this makes them a very poor choice if you’re trying to eat healthy and lose weight. Try removing them from your menu to feel the difference.

#Soft drinks

Not only do soft drinks make your stomach bloat, but because they’re full of sugar and empty calories, they’re making you gain weight without you even realizing it. So remember to avoid them, especially in the evening, after 6 p.m. By eliminating this liquid source of sugar, you will sleep better too.

Soda drinks not only make your stomach bloat, but they make you gain pounds

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Every French person’s favorite food is to avoid after 6 p.m. So if you want to have a small bite at the end of dinner, consider doing it a little earlier. In fact, cheese is very high in saturated fat and sodium which are two elements that make your belly bloat in no time.

Cheese is very rich in saturated fat and sodium, which are two elements that cause belly bloat.

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#Ice cream

If you’re craving dessert in the evening, it’s best to avoid ice cream. A delight full of sugar and fat, ice cream will not only prevent you from losing weight, but will hinder digestion, which will negatively affect your rest during the night. Try to abstain from it or enjoy it earlier in the day.

Ice will hinder digestion, which will have a negative effect on rest during the night

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#Red meat

Red meat is another source of fat that should be avoided late in the evening. Although it is rich in protein, this meat should be avoided if you want to feel light. Instead, choose lean meat for dinner.

Red meat is another source of fat that should be avoided late in the evening

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French fries are full of saturated fat, making them one of the foods to absolutely avoid after 6 p.m. Additionally, if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to avoid them throughout the day, not just in the evening.

French fries are full of saturated fat, making them one of the foods to absolutely avoid after 6 p.m.

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#Pop corn

Although popcorn can be a popular snack, this food is one to skip in the evening due to its high trans fat and salt content.

This food is one of the products you should abstain from in the evening due to its high content of trans fats and salt.

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Avoid foods high in sugar and fat to lose weight

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Knowing which foods make you bloated and avoiding them will help you lose weight and feel better about yourself.

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