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Did you know that certain clothing choices can make you look older than you are? In fact, according to stylists, there are styles and colors that are best avoided. Here are the mistakes that make you look older and that you absolutely must avoid to have a young and chic appearance!

Here are the mistakes that make you look older and that you absolutely must avoid to have a youthful appearance

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Don’t make these mistakes: Here are the mistakes that make you look older

Since no one wants to look older, today we present to you the most common mistakes that add years to the appearance. By learning to avoid them, you will have a more youthful and well-groomed look. Remember that being confident and feeling good about yourself should always be your starting points when putting together your outfits.

Now let’s see the mistakes that add years to the appearance and which should rather be avoided.

Here are the mistakes that add years to the appearance and which should rather be avoided

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#Loose clothing

The very first piece of advice we can give you is to avoid dressing in loose clothing from head to toe. Even if you have a few small body imperfections, you won’t hide them by wearing pieces that are too big. Instead, focus on outfits that highlight your assets instead of trying to hide your entire body. Not only will it add years to you, but will make you look shapeless. Knowing your body shape and dressing for it will help you create beautiful outfits that will make you look younger.

Avoid dressing in loose clothing from head to toe

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#Total black looks

Although black is slimming, black outfits bring out facial imperfections. Adding a little color will help you avoid accentuating dark circles or a double chin. Even if you plan to wear a black dress or jumpsuit, try to liven up the outfit by putting on a printed jacket or a beautiful necklace that will draw the eye away from the problem areas. In addition, focus on brighter and lighter colors, such as yellow, blue, gold and off-white, which will add vibrancy to your appearance and make you look younger.

Tips for Energizing a Black Outfit to Look Younger

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Total black looks should be avoided, because they bring out facial imperfections

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Applying too much makeup or choosing matte brown or red lipsticks can make you look older than you really are. Opt for light makeup suited to your skin type so as not to accentuate wrinkles or dark circles. Light and shiny lipsticks give a more youthful look, while smoothing and brightening foundations hide facial imperfections very well.

Opt for light makeup suited to your skin type so as not to accentuate wrinkles or dark circles.

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#Outdated hairstyle

Having an old-fashioned, flat, one-dimensional hairstyle is the surest way to add years to your appearance. Keep in mind that hair that is too dark, too long and lacks volume and shape is your worst enemy, while a nice cut with lighter strands is synonymous with youth. So remember to energize your cut and the color of your hair by adding lighter highlights or enjoying a beautiful rejuvenating balayage.

A beautiful cut with lighter highlights is synonymous with youth

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#Way of life

And remember, beauty starts from within. So don’t underestimate the crucial role of your lifestyle. Having unhealthy habits, such as smoking, junk food, lack of sleep, are all factors that harm the health and appearance of the skin. If you don’t want to add years to your look, focus on a healthy lifestyle. Eat more vegetables and fruits, quit smoking, don’t drink alcohol, and don’t eat refined carbohydrates and foods high in salt and sugar. This will have a rejuvenating effect on your skin.

A healthy lifestyle will have a rejuvenating effect on your skin

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Applying too much makeup can make you look older than you really are

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According to stylists, there are styles and colors that are best avoided

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