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Oleander is a hardy plant that doesn’t require much care, but sometimes it can cause problems. Its leaves turn yellow, turn brown or suffer burns and fall. First of all, you need to find out the reasons why your shrub is dying. But how to resurrect your oleander in this case? The answers from the experienced arborists we consulted are here.

It is entirely possible to resurrect an oleander, if you take exact measurements

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If the leaves of your bay leaf dry, this should alert you to the condition of your oleander. Then it’s the stems and finally the roots will rot. If it doesn’t get the resources it needs to survive, eventually the whole plant dies away. To find out if your oleander is dead, scratch its bark with your fingernail. If the heart of its stem is green, your shrub is alive. But if it is brown or black, that means it is dead.

There is therefore no reason to continue your investigations and take measures to save him

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Why are my laurels dying?

Little watering or too much watering

The first symptoms that your oleander is sick are yellow leaves. Both are in effect and can be the reason for yellowing leaves. The oleander does not like a lot of water, but in a long period of drought, they require daily watering. Dehydrated roots can be the cause of leaf fall. On the other hand, too much water risks harming it and so, that’s the reason. If you water your oleander with a normal amount of water, respecting the conditions in which it grows, it will bounce back immediately.

In summer, water your oleander abundantly, especially when it is very hot, but once a week

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Leaf blight

It is a bacterial disease that is spread by small sap suckers, called acris. Once the bacteria penetrate the plant tissue, they take nutrients and block the flow of water and sap. The disease first appears in a single branch, but it quickly invades the entire plant if it is hot. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease.

Aphids, ants, scales

But if your oleander’s problems persist, it’s probably a disease. Insect pests are one of the most common causes of many plant problems.

  • If you observe the leaves of your oleander falling for no reason, it is certain, it is parasites which have invaded it.

Because of their activity, you can suffer a lot of damage. Sucking insects, aphids and scales particularly like oleander.

  • If you do not observe insects:

Then sticky honeydew or fuliga appears on its leaves. Both are a sure sign of their presence.

  • If you see your oleander dropping yellow leaves, this could be a sign of a pest infestation.

These tiny invaders can cause a lot of damage through their feeding activity. Sucking insects are particularly harmful and are more active in warm weather.

Aphids and scales are very greedy for oleander

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Cut off its blackened stems

Reduce its stems to a distance of 15 cm from the base, leaving the others that are healthy. This way it will lose some of its charm and bushy silhouette, but after a while it will bloom again.

Immediately remove its wilted flowers and yellow leaves.

It is very important to act immediately, especially if your oleander is still young and therefore its roots are poor in resources. It is important to act quickly, especially if the shrub is young, because it has fewer roots and fewer resources. First, remove spent flowers and yellow leaves to stimulate new growth. Add new potting soil to its root. You can try with Bordeaux mixture.

But above all, ventilate it and replant it in the sun

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Water it well

As has already been mentioned, it is the heat that also puts your oleander at risk. It is therefore necessary to water it every day if the heat lasts longer. On other days of summer that are less dry, you can water it every two or three days.


Oleanders have strong roots. But if you plant them near competing plants, they may become diseased and their leaves may turn yellow. Move them to an area away from large trees or an area of ​​thick greenery.

They constrain the roots of your oleander

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