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As soon as we discovered its existence, the gel manicure turned into a best friend for most of us. However, despite its reputation for longevity, even this type of cosmetic nail care can suffer some damage. Do you want to learn how to maximize its duration? Check out our few foolproof tips.

Examining the simple gestures to adopt in your daily life to make your gel manicure last

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Without wasting a second, let’s start examining these few little steps that preserve the beauty of our gel nails for longer. And you will see, most of them are extremely simple but effective.

Improving the longevity of your gel polish – it’s super simple!

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Reduce contact with hot water

Do you tend to wash dishes in hot water? Or, to spend fifteen minutes in the comforting shower? Be careful of the consequences for your impeccable nails! Since hot water actually has the ability to sneak under the nails and thus cause the varnish to come off. This is why it is important to minimize contact with hot water. To do this, use lukewarm water or at least wear household gloves.

To do this, contact with hot water must be reduced.

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Don’t use your nails as a multi-tool

Let’s be honest, in everyday life, we have the bad habit of using our nails as a multi-gadget tool. Tearing packaging, scraping adhesive finishes, removing ultra-sticky labels, various gardening tasks… Our manicurist falls victim to many small unhealthy practices which only serve to rob him of his beauty. At the same time, a pair of scissors or a simple knife can totally do the trick in its place. That being said, we urge you: treat your nails with greater care and kindness.

And of course, stop using your long nails for various operations daily

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Pamper your nails daily with cuticle oil

Just like we apply moisturizer to our face every day, our nails also require daily care. And we are especially talking about the cuticle area. Indeed, dry and irritated skin around the nails is the main culprit of the imperfections that appear on our manicure. To prolong its beauty, specialists recommend applying a little cuticle oil regularly. Frequent use (1 to 2 times per day) of the product helps strengthen the nails while reducing the risk of cracking and breakage.

Daily application of cuticle oil works wonders for the hands

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Wear rubber gloves

At the risk of repeating ourselves, do not neglect the role of rubber gloves. When carrying out household chores, make it a habit to always put on a pair to protect your hands. This is necessary not only to avoid contact with hot water. The cleaning products we use are also quite aggressive for the hands and nails. They can therefore easily weaken your manicure. So the next time you shine your fireplace, clothes or dishes, make sure you remember to protect your hands.

Protect hands to avoid damage

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Stop torturing your hands

Sometimes we do certain things unintentionally, without even realizing it. Like for example biting our nails compulsively or tearing off dead skin around our manicure… Obviously, these instinctive gestures can easily damage the glamorous appearance of our hands, but not only that… With repetition and time, a Such behavior has a destructive effect on the nails by weakening them and making them much thinner.

Pay attention to unhealthy and compulsive habits

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Anticipate the damage

No matter how careful one can be, sometimes incidents cannot be predicted or avoided. However, it is possible to limit the damage if we intervene in time. In the language of nails, this means quickly remedying small problems. As soon as you notice a rough edge, smooth it with the file to prevent more serious chipping or tearing. So, after handling, remember to apply a thin layer of top coat varnish to seal and prolong the life of the manicure.

Intervene in time to recover small imperfections and limit the damage

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