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Do you ever have greasy-looking hair even after washing it so well? If so, read our full article. We are going to explain this phenomenon to you, which fortunately is temporary and often caused by external factors. You agree that for a woman, it’s horrible not to have beautiful shiny hair, it plays on confidence and can lead to complexes. I invite you to discover the solutions and advice from professionals to regain your confidence.

Did you know that stress also causes oily hair?

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Sticky hair, what is it?

Regarding this problem, I can tell you in all honesty, because it happened to me. But before tackling this most unpleasant phenomenon, we will understand it. Oily hair is often confused with sticky hair. Indeed, oily hair is a type of hair that is due to excess sebum. The glands produce too much oil, which makes hair look oily and greasy. The good news is that after shampooing, they are clean and shiny again.

Which is not our case. Sticky hair is a temporary condition that is caused by external factors which we will discuss shortly. Your hair looks sticky, dirty, especially at the back of the head and at the roots, even after shampooing. On the other hand, the ends are dry. It’s really unpleasant and we’re not going to lie to each other, it’s not a pretty sight, especially if you have to go to work.

The sticky hair has this aspect, even if on the photo it is rather a desired effect

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What are the effective solutions to no longer have sticky hair?

So the ultimate question is why it happens and how to fix it. Let’s see the causes and solutions so that you have beautiful hair.

#Transition to natural products

At some point in my life, I made the decision to switch to natural products when it came to my hair. I went to buy organic products, sulphate-free and obviously the most expensive, because I don’t do things by halves. Bottom line, after the first wash my hair was greasy and dirty looking. To tell you the truth, I was super disappointed, but I did not go further in my reflection. So I went back to the shampoo I used to use. Later I learned that it was a natural reaction. Indeed, if your hair is used to chemicals, going natural will produce this effect. Be aware that this detoxification period can be a bit long. As additional effects after the change, you can observe itching or the appearance of dandruff.

Do not be discouraged, start the transition to nature during your holidays for example

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#Bad rinsing

Another possible cause that causes sticky hair is poor rinsing. Often, if you move apartment or go on vacation, the showers are smaller or not super comfortable to use, which can lead to rinsing your mane badly. It’s the same if you have done an oil or coconut oil treatment. It is important to rinse well afterwards to remove any accumulated oily residue. When rinsing, put your head well forward to remove everything.

Take the time to brush your wet hair well.

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#Too calcareous water

It is an indisputable fact that water that is too hard or too chlorinated can be harmful to your scalp. The limestone reacts with the shampoo and sebum and leaves a greasy film on your hair.

#Brazilian straightening or coloring

After such an extensive hair beauty procedure, your hair routine changes as well as the products used. Sticky hair is the reaction to this change. Same as going natural, it will take them some time to get used to this new routine. It’s time to see what you can do to get your mane back to being healthy and shinier than ever.

The color dries out the hair

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#Vinegar: the miracle product for shiny hair

One of the solutions is to wash or rather rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar. Remember to leave it for a few minutes and rinse it off. It helps remove residue and makes hair shinier than ever. Me, I use this technique and for me, it gives great results, my hair is shiny. Vinegar balances pH and deeply moisturizes. You can fill a spray bottle and use it when you shower.

Vinegar is used even before the appearance of shampoos

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#Recipe clarification

Another very useful method is to clarify the hair. Green clay really works miracles. Here is a simple recipe to make, but it works really well.

  • 3 tablespoons powdered green clay
  • Water or lavender or nettle water.

Mix them to obtain a homogeneous paste, neither too liquid nor too thick. Once you’ve washed your hair, work this clarifyer into the roots and along the length. Leave to rest for at least 30 minutes, going up to 1 hour. Then just rinse. You can do this treatment once a month. Finish the treatment with a spray of cider vinegar. In the archives of Grandma’s recipes, you have baking soda which is indicated for greasy-looking hair. Just dilute 2 tablespoons in a glass with lukewarm water. Then put on your hair and leave for a few minutes. And finally, wash with vinegar to balance the pH of your scalp. We hope this information was useful and that you are going to have sublime hair.

Green clay works wonders for the whole body, you must have it

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Finally, brush your hair before going to bed to remove all dirt and dust.

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