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In an interview, the stylist expresses her point of view regarding the aging of women. According to Carolina Herrera, you should not wear miniskirts and jeans after 30 and have long hair after 40, an opinion that shocked a lot of people. Let’s see Carolina Herrera’s golden rules for aging with class in the following lines. It’s yours !

Here are Carolina Herrera’s golden rules for aging with style

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Carolina Herrera’s golden rules for aging with class: No jeans or long hair for women over 40!

To age with style, you shouldn’t try to look younger. This is the opinion of the famous stylist Caroline Herrera, who has been a renowned designer since the 1980s. Her strong opinion on women’s wardrobe has sparked heated debates on how women should dress after a certain age. .

The stylist’s rules

In fact, according to the fashion designer, women over 30 should not wear jeans or miniskirts. No long hair for those in their late thirties. It’s just not chic and classy according to Herrera. She adds to this “that nothing ages a woman more than pretending that she is still young”. Although these words may be too harsh, the stylist expresses her opinion that every woman should age gracefully by choosing her wardrobe wisely.

According to the fashion designer, women over 30 should not wear jeans

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To go into more detail, Carolina Herrera believes that women should evolve over time by adopting their own style. She advises us to take care of our style and stop paying attention to fleeting fashion trends that “give the impression that we are wearing a uniform”. According to her, after 30, it is time to cultivate and dress according to your own style, while not forgetting about skin care.

According to Herrera, you have to cultivate your own style and take care of your skin to age with style

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Clothes to wear

The famous fashion designer adds that we should not start dressing in the old fashioned way. It’s more about finding the pieces that match our body shape and age. So, she advises us to have a classic white blouse and clothes with sleeves. We admit that these tips are very useful, because after a certain age, the arms lose their beautiful appearance and we tend to try to camouflage them. Another tip that the stylist adds is to use accessories to add shine to our outfits.

The famous fashion designer advises us to have a classic white blouse and clothes with sleeves

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Clothes to forget

Among the items to no longer wear are: miniskirts, jeans (as already mentioned), bikinis and tops with too-plunging necklines. According to Herrera, these clothes are only for young girls and women over 30 should forget about them. It is exactly this advice that sparked the debates. In fact, the older you get, the more you have to hide your body, in Carolina’s opinion.

Among the items to no longer wear are: miniskirts, jeans, bikinis and tops with too-plunging necklines

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Herrera adds that women over 40 should not have long hair. According to her, aging with style is synonymous with having a short haircut.

Although the rules of this fashion icon are too strict, we can admit Herrera’s influence and draw conclusions that work for us. Ultimately, no one can tell you how to dress. What matters is that you feel good about yourself and your clothes. Let’s not forget that the biggest celebrities in their fifties wear miniskirts, jeans and have long hair that makes younger generations green with envy.

The biggest celebrities in their 50s wear miniskirts, jeans and have long hair

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According to Carolina Herrera, you should not wear miniskirts and jeans after 30

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To age with style, you shouldn’t try to appear younger

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