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With the arrival of autumn, we willingly began to cocoon our homes. Among the most popular decorating tactics of the moment is certainly the addition of different textiles and textures. This is why, in our article of the day, we look at a subject very relevant to the current situation, in particular the installation of a rug under a coffee table. Is this a good idea and how to succumb to it correctly? Here are the tips from decor experts.

Rug under coffee table – yes or no? Here are the key considerations for making the best decision for your interior

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Carpet in the decor – its advantages

According to most decor experts, carpet could have several advantages.

  • Firstly, it is an element which gives a more welcoming and careful note to the decor.
  • Also, if correctly chosen, it helps to establish harmony between the different elements in the room to give a finished look to the space.
  • In addition to its many visual benefits, the rug is also an excellent solution from a practical point of view. It is able to camouflage small imperfections on the floor covering that appear over time.
  • In addition, it protects the surface from possible splashes.

However, the decision to install a rug under the coffee table must be made with consideration of certain important factors. Let’s see them together.

Adding a rug, generally, is a winning approach

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Putting a rug under a coffee table: yes or no?

Despite all the advantages it could present, before embarking on the transformation of the decor, it is important to take into account certain essential points.

Desired effect and type of terrain

Generally, adding a rug would be a superb approach to protect the floor and complete the cozy decor in a home. On the other hand, placing such a work under a table in a professional place will not have the same value. On the contrary, it will be rather useless and also quite difficult to keep clean.

The success of the decoration mission still depends on certain important factors

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Need maintenance

Like any other object in the room, the rug will undoubtedly require some maintenance from time to time. Are you willing to invest a few extra minutes in regular carpet cleaning? Also take into account that some models may even require professional cleaning due to their large size or delicate material. Also, if it is a busy area and susceptible to splashes and regular stains, it is better to save yourself the effort and not take the plunge.

The carpet requires cleaning, are you ready to maintain it?

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Room size

The third factor to pay particular attention to is the size of the room and the space available. Ideally, the rug that is installed under the coffee table in the living room, for example, should be of sufficient size to cover the space under the table but also under a certain part of the sofa. So if you’re considering adding a small rug, this approach can actually visually restrict the space.

In a room that is too small, the rug can hinder circulation and visually restrict the space

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In some cases, installing a mat is not recommended for safety reasons. To explain the problem in brief, if the carpet is not properly attached to the floor, it can cause trips and even more serious accidents, especially among small children or the elderly.

Pay attention to safety! If installed incorrectly, the mat may cause accidents

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To get the most out of this new decorative element, it is important to choose its location carefully. Indeed, there are different possible configurations depending on the desired effect. Now let’s focus on the most popular variants.

Install the table in the center of the mat

The first option is to opt for a large rug. This is to be installed under the coffee table and the sofa. In this way, we bring together the elements in the room and give a more harmonious and organized appearance to the space. For a well-structured result, experts recommend positioning the table in the center of the carpet.

Create a harmonious decor by positioning the rug under the sofa and table

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Position the table in one of the corners of the carpet

A more eccentric approach is to place the table in one of the corners of the carpet. As you can see in the photo below, this creates an asymmetrical but very captivating and modern effect. At the same time, if the rug is large enough, it improves the proportions of the land and harmonizes the decor.

Focus on a more original look by installing the table in the corner of the carpet

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Put the table off the carpet

As a general rule, regardless of the preferred configuration, the table legs always rest completely or partially on the mat. However, if you like to play the originality card and break away from clichés, here is a little secret from the decorating pros. This involves placing the table separately from the carpet. This allows two elements (and the table, and the carpet) to stand out while giving the impression of a more spacious area.

The most daring can even think of positioning the two elements separately

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