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Whether it’s because of our busy daily lives or for another reason, many people eat their meals quickly. Eating too quickly leads to weight gain. At the same time, several studies show that eating more slowly and chewing a lot can help you lose weight in a natural and effective way. This is the best approach to losing weight. Discover the benefits of this method not only for losing weight, but also for improving your overall health. There is only one thing to do: Chew well to lose weight. This even seems sensational, but it is a method without dieting and without making any effort and without calculating calories!

Imagine! You eat whatever you want and it makes you lose weight

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Does chewing more make you lose weight?

The main reasons why this method is extremely effective are:

You limit your caloric intake

By making your own choices throughout the day, you absorb a wide variety of nutrients and give your body what it needs. You will see with your own eyes how the quantities of food decrease without any effort on your part and without feeling hungry. So you lose weight without dieting, without deficiencies and with a well-balanced and tasty diet.

The best news is that you don’t remove so-called unhealthy foods from your menu.

Even junk food like ice cream, chocolates, chips don’t stop you from losing weight.

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You limit your caloric intake

Your body will use what it needs, without storing it as fat. You don’t need to count the calories you eat and deprive yourself of your favorite foods. Hunger hormones control appetite and calorie intake. Naturally, after eating, they drop, which suppresses hunger. These hormones signal the brain that you have finished eating and that the nutrients have been absorbed. As a result, the appetite decreases. This makes you feel full and makes you stop eating. This process takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes. This means that when you eat more carefully, you give the necessary time for this information to reach the brain. This way, you allow calories to be distributed to the right place in the body.

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Longer chewing makes you keep food in your mouth longer. The more you chew, the more you satisfy your appetite. After 20 to 30 minutes, your brain will already know that you ate well. You don’t even need to eat slowly, you just need to count how many times you chewed.

  • The golden rule of yoga is to chew as many times as the number of teeth in your mouth.

This will also help you digest food well.

  • One study showed that when people chewed 1.5 times more than usual, their calorie intake decreased by 10%.

When they chewed twice as much as usual, calorie intake dropped by 15%.

According to research, chewing each bite for 30 seconds reduces appetite and increases the pleasure of eating

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Benefits of chewing longer

Chewing longer provides the following benefits:

  • Better digestion
  • Healthier teeth
  • Reduces stress

Practical advice

If you’re hungry, it’s hard to hold back and eat slowly. To avoid this situation, always have something to swallow on hand.

  • Don’t eat with your hands

If you use cutlery, you slow down the eating process

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  • Choose foods that take longer to chew.

Vegetables, fruits, foods rich in fiber require more chewing.

  • Enjoy your food with pleasure
  • Don’t get distracted.

Avoid watching television while eating and even try to talk when you are at the table.

it will take you about 20 to 30 days to adopt a slow diet.

This change takes time

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