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You must take extreme care of your strawberry plants in order to obtain a beautiful, juicy and tasty harvest. And to do this, it is essential to prepare them well for winter, because that is when they regain their strength. And to do this, we are going to give you a short summary of the essential actions and especially know whether to cut their leaves in autumn. Because it is a step that can compromise the quality of the harvest.

Each season has a role to play in growing strawberries

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How to prune strawberries for fall?

We will find out how to properly prepare strawberries for fall in winter. What you need to keep in mind is that strawberries cannot tolerate humidity and like sun.

In the open ground

If you do not want to multiply your plants, I advise you to cut the stolons at ground level so as not to exhaust the plant. Regarding the leaves, you should not cut everything just before winter, as this will weaken the plant. On the other hand, all diseased or damaged leaves must be cleaned. On the other hand, you can prune them close to the ground in summer. According to professional gardeners, you should wait about 20-25 days after harvest. In this way, the plant can concentrate its forces towards the roots.

The next step is good weeding which is a necessary step before laying the protective layer. For mulching, I advise you to use pine cones. A light fertilizer rich in potassium in the form of wood ash is welcome to ensure they taste better for next year.

The choice of mulch should be light so as not to retain too much moisture.

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Potted strawberries are very fragile and require you to carry out a few essential actions before winter. Please ensure that the pots receive enough sunlight and are well covered. Mulch with straw while being careful not to put too much and make it an area conducive to humidity. Stop watering during frost periods to avoid killing your plants. It is also important to propagate by dividing the roots without forgetting to cut the stolons. Before laying the mulch, make sure that your strawberry plants have gone dormant so that you don’t end up with plants that continue to grow under the protective layer.

Strawberry stolons must absolutely be removed before the first frost.

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Gardening experts advise not to cut off all the leaves before winter

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