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Have you ever heard of the benefits of cold showers? Is it actually as healthy as they say? Today, we’re going to dive into the science to show you the 7 benefits of cold showering. So stay with us to find out more about it, as well as to find out how to properly initiate yourself into this amazing health ritual.

The cold shower and its therapeutic benefits

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Why are cold showers good for your health?

Promote blood circulation

If the cold shower is not necessarily the most pleasant thing, it is mainly because of the sensation that the shock of cold water causes on the skin. The body then goes into survival mode, which results in an over-stimulation of the blood system. The body begins to compensate for the temperature difference between the frozen water and the human body, by increasing blood flow. This is a natural reaction of our body which aims to warm up, protect its organs and restore the homeostasis of the organism. The circulation of our blood is therefore improved and hence also the level of energy and vitality, cell growth, the general longevity of humans and their immunity.

The cold shower to move your blood and improve the general health of the body

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Boost your immune system

Even the shortest of cold showers can save you from circulating viruses. The stream of cold water actually stimulates the work of blood cells (leukocytes) that fight infections. Moreover, according to a study carried out in the Netherlands, the work absence rate of a sample of people who took showers of 30, 60, 90 seconds for 90 days, was 29% lower than that of employees. who did not take it. Another interesting study focuses on improving the body’s ability to fight cancerous tumors, thanks to the cold shower.

Better immunity thanks to cold water

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Improve mental health

Exposure to cold is nevertheless recognized for its properties of activating the sympathetic nervous system, while increasing the level of endorphins and norepinephrine in the blood and the brain. Thus, cold touches are known to possess benefits similar to those of caffeine. Swimming in frigid waters, for example, significantly reduces tension, fatigue and cognitive skills.

Cold water to boost morale in seconds

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Losing weight

The energy the body puts into compensating for contact with cold water is further invested in increasing the rate of metabolism. An accelerated metabolism means even more calories burned. Cold water is still believed to be linked to burning brown fat, although related blood sugar control and weight loss are issues still under study.

A tip to complete your weight loss program

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Reduce muscle inflammation and pain

The cold leads to constriction of blood vessels, causing blood to flow to vital organs and the stomach. During this process in addition, the blood becomes enriched with oxygen and nutrients. When the body warms up again and the blood vessels dilate, oxygen is delivered to the tissues. This restoration of normal blood flow helps fight inflammation from delayed body aches that occur a few days after exercise.

The post-workout cold shower to recover

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Relieve localized pain

The cold also relieves the pain that is often associated with inflammation. Another important factor to consider here though is the brain’s perception of pain. Usually the cold sprays that are used to relieve the pain of a medical intervention, act by reducing the speed of propagation of the pain in the chain of nerves. The sensation of pain is thus reduced.

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Improve skin and hair health

The contraction of blood flow, in contact with water, also has beneficial effects on the skin, which becomes healthier, smoother and more radiant. Cold water encloses and strengthens not only the pores, but also the cuticles of the hair, without drying out the protective layer of sebum. Thus, the hair and the skin become stronger and healthier, by dint of repetitive cold showers.

Healthy skin under the influence of cold

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How long for a cold shower?

To reap all these benefits from the cold shower, you must spend at least 30 seconds showering with water at a temperature between 10 and 15°C. In fact, scientific studies have shown that the beneficial effects of the cold shower begin to diminish after the third minute. There is no point in taking long cold showers. We advise you to start with a shower of about thirty minutes and increase the time as you get used to this ritual. In this last objective again, make sure that the water is lukewarm at the beginning and gradually reduce the temperature.

The cold shower is a short shower!

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What are the dangers of the cold shower?

Finally, note that the constriction of blood vessels coated by cold water can cause arrhythmias in people who suffer from heart disease. People with lung problems are still at risk of edema, so they are also asked to avoid this kind of showers.




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