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Do you dream of having a short bob cut? With this article, you will achieve your hair bet in a few minutes. We tell you everything!

Friendly reader of Archizine, you have undoubtedly heard of the bob cut. No matter the length, base color or texture of your hair, it’s a true chameleon. Today we decided to tackle the shortened version. Once is not customary, we will also give you the method to make it at home. Yes, you read correctly. Unlike others, you do not need to have studied hairdressing. Here we go, follow the guide!

Why do we love it so much?

As we just told you in the previous paragraph, the bob cut is all-purpose. Whether you have hair like the last Miss France or as long as Sissi the Empress, you should be able to achieve it easily. In order to move from theory to practice, all you need is to associate the equipment with the gestures. A real child’s play, we tell you!

If you have taken the plunge through a hair expert, you will need advice on maintaining the bob cut. Again, it’s not rocket science. Unlike other cuts such as the butterfly curtain fringe, there’s no need to break the bank to access straighteners and other heated brushes. A simple comb is sometimes enough to give it a second youth!

To curls or not to curls, that is the question!

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What is the ideal face shape?

In the previous image, we see that the short version of the bob cut starts from the jawline. In other words, if you’re worried about your smile, this hair trend should cancel out all your anxieties. It’s obvious, better than her cousins, she knows exactly how to highlight it.

If you have a few extra pounds, that’s no problem either. On the contrary, the bob cut will highlight your makeup or even your eyes. If you have sparkling eyes, there is no doubt that this haircut will give you even more self-confidence. In a word, in the opinion of those who have taken the plunge, it is magical!

The bob cut is a real revolution

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How to make a bob cut without going to the hairdresser?

On social networks, tutorials on the bob cut follow one another…but they are not alike. And for good reason, depending on the accessories at home, fashionistas do not obtain the same result. Never mind, thanks to the talent of Archizine’s editorial staff, you should realize your dream without leaving too many feathers… uh no… hair, sorry!

Purchases to make

At a retailer, invest in a good pair of scissors, a comb with fine teeth and not thick ones, as well as colored hair clips. If you have a magnifying mirror handy, even better. Finally, before you start, you must not have wet hair. Here we go, you can start choosing your right haircut style.

It’s all a question of style

Today, we’re talking about the short bob cut, but the long version is just as lovely. Whatever happens, on Instagram or Pinterest, in a few clicks, you should find celebrities who have tested it before you.

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Where to start ?

The nape of the neck and then cut the hair to the top of the head. Be careful, to avoid losing the thread, only the hair clips will serve as guides. Now you understand why you need it.

When it comes to scissors, you need to remember your geometry classes. At the time, did you think the lesson on perpendicular lines was useless? It’s obvious, you will have a fond thought for your former mathematics teachers. They were right to insist in the end! This way, you will finely trim all the points that protrude from this axis.

It’s all in the finishes

After cutting, the lengths must be symmetrical. If you see one side a few millimeters longer, you can immediately catch the shot.

Finally, when you next shampoo, leave aside the first price and invest in masks that restore pep to the ends. After applying it, you will be the most beautiful to go dancing!

You are never better served than by yourself

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