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Tattooing is attracting more and more young people, but also seniors. Beyond fashion, it’s a good way to treat yourself and bring renewal to aging skin. But if a 50-year-old woman wants to get a name tattoo, how should she do it? In all the ideas and recommendations, it is strongly not recommended to get a tattoo of your boyfriend’s first name when you are young, because you don’t know what to expect in life. But when it comes to a woman after fifty, the things of life are much more regulated and constant: the first name of the husband, of a friend, of the children and, quite possibly, those of the grandchildren. We have a much greater choice, without knowing how to do it. All that said, we share with you the most beautiful first name tattoo ideas for a woman at 50. Take inspiration from it to highlight your personality.

You can tattoo yourself even family

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The location

Once the first name you want to get tattooed is chosen, you must choose where to adapt it taking into account your age. In principle, you should choose a part of the body that ages the least.

The areas that are aging the least

The areas that age the least are the back, shoulders and ankles. In addition, the tattoo is a sort of trauma on the skin which becomes thinner and more fragile with age. The tattoo also ages over time, as the skin matures. The skin remains quite tight on the calves, ankles and back. Among the most suitable areas, it is on the wrist, inside the elbow, in the finest and minimalist style possible. We will therefore favor a part of the body where the skin remains quite tight: the calves and ankles, or the back for example.

The wrist asserts itself as one of the most privileged places for female tattoos

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Where to get a letter tattoo?

If you want to show it off proudly, the arm or even the collarbone area can be the perfect location to favor. To always keep her close to you, opt for a wrist or inside hand tattoo.

Where to tattoo your children’s first names?

If you get a tattoo of your children’s or loved one’s initials, you have the advantage of having a discreet tattoo, which you can hide whenever you want and hide them if necessary. As for a minimalist tattoo, you can also choose a simple design, most often a heart.

What we most often do is to also include the date of birth of your children

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Where not to get a tattoo?

  • From a medical point of view, it is not recommended to get tattoos on the ankles, wrists, elbows and lower parts of the spine, especially for women. Also avoid tattoos around moles.
  • The stomach: often after pregnancies, our stomach is quite different, so for a woman, a tattoo in this area could lose its splendor! In any case, avoid parts that could change: grow or become deformed over time. These include the breasts, stomach, thighs and buttocks. No longer the face, because they are taken as a provocation in society.
  • The foot or forearm: it’s obvious that tattooing a first name on the foot or forearm is not a good idea.

On the other hand, the first least painful area is the outer calf. In fact, the sensitivity is less and this makes the tattoo not so painful. The thigh, too, is less painful, but not always adapted to the skin of women as they age.

What tattoo after 50?

What colors?

Some colors are more dangerous than others, being poorly tolerated by the body. Generally speaking, the body does not tolerate any color.

But unlike red which is the most allergenic, black is the purest

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In lettered scripts, the style of writing is decisive for the length of the final tattoo. You can enter the first name of your loved one yourself. Cursive writing will allow you to create fairly short calligraphies.

Exmouth is a beautiful handwritten style font, has excellent flow and can be used universally. For single words, the Font style is appropriate for single words.

You can write the first name(s) yourself

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The discreet tattoo

The discreet tattoo is one that you can easily hide. For a woman aged 50 and over, discreet tattooing in certain areas is more or less appropriate. It all depends on the first name and your ideas that you want to share with others. The advantage of tattooing on the nape of the neck or behind the ear, for example, is the possibility of hiding it with your hair when you want.


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What reasons?

The most common tattoo designs among stars are varied, but first of all, they put the first names of their children or their loved ones which they have tattooed on the neck, on the arm, or on the thorax. Many celebrities have not hesitated to prove their love to their children in this way.

If you have long hair, it’s easy to hide your tattoo

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