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How to recognize edible mushrooms safely? Arm yourself with patience, because even if you have knowledge, observation of details and smell come into play. We are going to give you some keys to tell the difference. Our helpful tips will guide you through your walks to pick the right mushrooms. However, if in doubt, do not hesitate to seek the advice of an expert. Mushrooms belonging to the same family can look very similar visually and yet be completely different. Keep this in mind!

How to recognize edible mushrooms?

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The gestures that will help you recognize edible mushrooms are detailed below. Take the directions seriously and good luck with great finds.

Toxic mushrooms often have strange shapes and colors

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Typical mushrooms of the region

Before going mushroom picking, find out what species are found where you plan to go picking. This way you will narrow down the size of the stain and concentrate on a few types of fungi. It will be easier to check and find them in the repository, especially when you have a goal of collecting specific species. Narrowing the choice to those that are typical of the region will ensure more success in finding edibles.

If you know that the porcini mushroom is widespread in your region and you know how to recognize it, do not take risks with other species

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Do not go to polluted areas

Avoid polluted areas, as mushrooms are excellent sponges that absorb everything from their environment. And even if they are not toxic by nature, they can become toxic through their immediate environment. Edible mushrooms grow in clean places where human activities have not yet degraded.

The repositories

Use guides like books, websites or apps that will help you identify mushrooms. These are reference points which will serve as an assistant so as not to confuse the different species.

Find out about the area in which you are going for a walk to pick mushrooms

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Shape and color

The first details that must be observed to recognize edible mushrooms are their morphology and their color. They are uniform, while those that are toxic have variations in shape and strange colors. Deadly mushrooms often have a bright color. This is a warning not to approach them.

Texture and smell

Edible mushrooms are firm to the touch and have a woody odor. The opposite is inherent in those that are toxic, unpleasant odor or soft texture. You can’t go wrong, as the smell of poisonous mushrooms is usually repulsive.

Even edible mushrooms are no longer edible in a state of advanced maturity

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Additional information

The basic indications that we have already covered are not sufficient in certain cases. There are duplicates of edible mushrooms and it is sometimes very subtle to differentiate them. Other indications are interesting to mention:

  • The mushroom should not be too old. In this case, it becomes soft, its color is dull and often darker, it crumbles.
  • If it has frozen, the mushroom is no longer edible.
  • To avoid making a mistake, limit yourself to the most well-known mushrooms: yellow chanterelle, chanterelle, cep, morel, sheepsfoot, trumpets of death.

If you are not accompanied by a specialized guide, just pick the mushrooms you know well

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Characteristics of the most famous mushrooms

You understand, picking mushrooms is a risky activity that must be practiced with great vigilance. Only 20% of species are edible. To avoid any risk of poisoning, strictly follow the rules. Here are the basic characteristics of the most famous mushrooms:

  • Yellow chanterelle: you will find it in summer and autumn in the forests. The hat measures up to 10cm. It has a conical shape of orange-yellow color with a strong fruity smell. The chanterelle is fleshy.

The yellow chanterelle is easily confused with the chanterelle

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  • Chanterelle: it can easily be confused with the yellow chanterelle. It is thinner and hollow. The chanterelle is more reddish and is distinguished by its musky smell.

Chanterelles are finer and give off a totally different smell from chanterelles.

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  • Cep: it grows between June and November in forests, undergrowth, clearings. The porcini mushroom can measure up to 30cm in diameter with a light brown cap, sometimes dark. A short, stocky foot that tapers towards the top. The blades are white and turn yellow when ripe. Its flesh is firm and white and its smell is reminiscent of hazelnuts. To recognize it, it turns blue when touched.

The porcini mushroom is one of the best known and most widely picked mushrooms.

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  • Morel: it is rather a spring mushroom which grows in April and May. But you can find varieties that grow in summer and autumn. The morel gives off an odor of undergrowth and damp earth. The toxic substances that this mushroom contains are destroyed by cooking. Its hat is irregular and dimpled with brown-beige to dark gray-beige folds and ridges. Its hollow foot is short and whitish. Its size of a few centimeters can reach 20cm for the largest specimens.

Morels are recognizable by their specific morphology

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