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Did you know that cravings are not only linked to the taste qualities of certain foods, but can actually indicate nutritional deficiencies? Knowing your cravings better will allow you to meet your body’s nutrient needs in the best way. Discover the detailed answer to the question “What do your cravings reveal about your health?” in the following lines. It’s yours !

Knowing your cravings better allows you to meet nutrient needs in the best way

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What do your cravings reveal about your health?

In fact, cravings can be strong enough to cause you to eat more than you need. But, sometimes it’s not just about satisfying taste buds and hunger, but providing you with certain nutrients. This is your body’s way of telling you that there are certain mineral or nutrient deficiencies that need to be addressed. This is why it is good to learn to identify these cravings so that you can satisfy them by choosing the appropriate foods. So, not only will you give your energy levels a boost, but you’ll be healthier too.

Take into account that aside from nutritional deficiencies, food cravings can be caused by dehydration, stress, genes and hormonal imbalance.

It is good to learn to identify these cravings so that you can satisfy them by opting for the appropriate foods

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Now let’s see what your cravings reveal about your health.

#Protein Foods

Obviously, if you crave foods rich in protein, your body is telling you a lack of this nutrient. So consider opting for a meal that includes chicken, fish or another source of lean meat to fill this deficiency. If you’re not a fan of meat, you can opt for yogurt, eggs or a protein smoothie.

craving for protein foods

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#Salty foods

Craving salty foods indicates a lack of chloride. Consider including goat’s milk, yogurt, Himalayan pink salt, sea salt, and fish in your diet to have healthy digestion and maintain electrolyte levels. But, try not to satisfy those cravings with chips.

#fatty foods

Craving pizza, fries, and other fatty, unhealthy foods indicates a lack of calcium. Consider opting for a healthy source of calcium, such as sesame seeds, flax seeds, almonds and dairy products. Be aware that fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines are also excellent options for filling calcium deficiencies.

Craving fatty foods, such as pizza and fries, reveals a lack of calcium

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#Sweet foods

If you crave sweets, your body indicates a lack of phosphorus, chromium, sulfur, tryptophan and carbon. You can fill phosphorus deficiencies by eating nuts, grains, legumes, chicken, eggs, and fish. As for chromium, it is contained in large quantities in beans, broccoli, unprocessed cheese, chicken and grapes. Eat cruciferous vegetables to supply sulfur and spinach, sweet potatoes and raisins to replenish the lack of tryptophan.

This is what sweet cravings indicate

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#Acid foods

If you crave acidic foods such as lemon or vinegar, your body needs stomach acids. These improve intestinal health and prevent food allergies and constipation. Consider eating more fresh fruits, seeds, legumes, and raw nuts to satisfy those cravings.

#Burnt food

As bizarre as it may seem, craving burnt food reveals a carbon deficiency. This urge is easy to overcome. Just let the food cook a little longer so that it is crispy, golden and a little charred.

Craving burnt food reveals carbon deficiency

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It’s the nitrogen you’re missing if you’re craving carbs. To make up for this deficiency, add more meat, fish, beans, brown rice and nuts to your diet.

Carbohydrate craving indicates a lack of nitrogen

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Chocolate cravings reveal a lack of copper or magnesium. The latter is contained in dark chocolate, fruits, legumes, seeds and nuts. Take into account that in times of stress, the body loses a lot of magnesium. This is why it is necessary to know how to fight against stress and fill the deficiencies in this essential nutrient.

Chocolate cravings reveal a lack of copper or magnesium

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If you find yourself craving more coffee or tea than usual, it may mean your body needs salt, iron, phosphorus or sulfur. In this case, it is good to incorporate poultry, black cherries, green vegetables and fish to fill iron deficiencies.

Coffee and tea cravings reveal a deficiency in salt, iron, phosphorus or sulfur

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Food cravings can actually be a sign of nutritional deficiencies

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