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Who doesn’t like apples? This juicy all-season fruit is packed with nutrients and flavor and you can enjoy it all year round. But, to do this, it is good to know how to store it well. Here are the best tips for storing apples after harvest in August to keep them perfectly fresh longer.

It is good to know how to properly store apples to enjoy them throughout the year

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Storing Apples After Harvest in August: Everything You Need to Know

With the right storage techniques, you can get the most out of your apple harvest for weeks or even months.

Indeed, some species of apples can be stored longer than others. That is why the variety of fruits must be taken into account.

Note that you should not attempt to save apples that show signs of bruising or insect holes, as they will rot and decay in storage.

Do not attempt to save apples that show signs of bruising or insect holes

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#Early varieties

Early varieties include fruits that reach maturity between June and August. Unfortunately, these apples have a very short shelf life. You will therefore have to consume them after a few days, otherwise they will no longer be good. But, for longer storage, you can always use them to make compote or jam.

Some species of apples can be stored longer than others

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#Mid-season varieties

Apples that are ready to harvest between early September and mid-October are mid-season varieties and can be stored for up to two months. But, there are intermediate species that have a longer shelf life. Such varieties are Gala, Fuji and Golden Delicious.

#End of season varieties

Fruits that can be harvested between early fall and early winter, i.e. late season varieties, store best. These apples will still be good until April, which is 5 to 7 months.

Making the Most of the Apple Harvest with Proper Storage Techniques

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When to harvest apples to store them?

To be able to enjoy a better taste, you have to harvest the apples at the right time. Know that it is best to pick them when they are ripe or almost ripe. In fact, if you harvest them too early, the apples won’t store well.

Take into account that the best time to harvest apples is when they start to fall on their own. So those that are still on the tree should come off easily with the peduncle intact.

The best time to harvest apples is when they easily detach from the tree

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It is recommended to start picking with the fruits that are near the top of the tree, on the south and sunny side.

A week before harvest, pick an apple, taste it and check the seeds. If they are white, the apples are not ripe enough, dark pips indicate that the fruits are ready to be harvested.

Dark pips indicate that the fruits are ready to harvest

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Where to store apples?

Remember to store the apples in a cool, dark and slightly humid place, protected from frost. It can be a garage or a basement. Know that good ventilation and air circulation are just as important for storing apples. Make sure the location you choose is free of pests.

According to experts, apples can be stored longer when individually wrapped in newspaper, for example.

If you don’t plan to store a large quantity of apples, you can simply store them in the fridge. Keep in mind that these fruits store best at a temperature between 0°C and 2°C.

Apples keep longer when individually wrapped, say experts

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How long do apples keep without refrigeration?

You can enjoy apples that aren’t stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, or so. But, keep in mind that they should not be placed near bananas or other fruits that give off ethylene, because this will speed up the ripening process of the apples.

Know that it is recommended to keep the fruits away from any heat source to prolong their conservation.

If you have other tips for properly storing apples after the harvest in August, do not hesitate to share them with us on the following post:

Here’s how to store apples after picking

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Tips for Storing Apples After Harvest in August to Keep Them Perfectly Fresh

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