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And because we are more and more concerned about the planet, I suggest you grow an apple tree from seeds. Of course, the result will be visible within a few years, but the satisfaction of seeing a tree grow by you is priceless. It can also be fun for your children or grandchildren. Here is the technique and everything you need to know to complete your 100% eco-friendly project!

Apples are excellent for the digestive system

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Some information about the apple tree

Before you start creating a beautiful plant from a seed, here are the things you need to know. First, keep in mind that apple trees are self-sterile plants. Which means they have to rely on the wind or pollinating insects to produce beautiful apples. Basically, you need to have a compatible strain nearby.

The best way to propagate an apple tree is to transplant it. Because the new tree will be identical to its mother. If you propagate with seeds, each seed produces a variety different from the original. This is due to the fact that in the seed there are genes from the female and male tree. Here is now how to proceed correctly for an optimal success rate.

Make sure the variety you choose can thrive in your climate

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Seed Stratification

For your first try, you can take seeds from different varieties of apples. Once you take them out, wash them under cold water and dry them in a cloth. For seed stratification, a cold and humid environment is required. So, when your seeds are ready, you must wrap them either in cotton or in absorbent paper without the seeds touching each other. In both cases, you need to wet them delicately. This will help the seed soften and come out of dormancy.

Then, place them in an airless container. This can be a jar or a plastic freezer bag. At this stage, you have two options: either place them in a dry place away from light, or in the fridge. For those who haven’t used the fridge, after just 10 days you should already have a visible result. If you opted for the fridge, you must wait at least 80 days.

Smart tips:

  • Plant lots of seeds to increase your chances of success.
  • In both cases, provide an airtight container.
  • You can soak them in water with vinegar for 24 hours to stimulate germination.
  • Check occasionally to avoid mold.

The seeds can germinate in the fruit itself

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The whole process in pictures

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Choose the best shoots with a beautiful visible root and place them in a pot with potting soil enriched with a little compost. It’s best to do it in winter, so you can plan a nice planting next spring. Give it a bright place and you can even take it out during the day, when the risk of frost has passed. But in partial shade, because the young leaves are sensitive to strong sunlight. Some gardeners plant them directly in the ground, if it is in spring. Watering must be monitored, an essential step for the proper development of plants.

After a year, you will have a beautiful little tree that you will be very proud of.

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You can transplant into individual pots when the young shoots have reached a height of 20-30 cm. Wait another year to put them in the ground. Experts advise not to prune for the first two years. There you are, you have made an eco-responsible gesture filled with so much love. You need to have a lot of patience, because only after 7 years you can reap the first fruits.

Learn how nature works by germinating your own seeds

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