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Sometimes our pace of life is so hectic that we feel like we automatically do the same things every day. Do you also tend to prepare 3-4 favorite recipes every day without giving yourself time to experiment with other, more original ideas? If so, today we inspire you to try a new culinary delight, very simple to prepare. For your attention, our recipe for zucchini and tomato gratin in a classic and vegan version!

2 recipes for zucchini and tomato gratin, easy and quick

2 versions classic and vegan to try this weekend.webp - 2 versions, classic and vegan, to try this weekend

What is a gratin?

The term gratin is very popular in the culinary world. Basically, it’s a quick and simple meal, prepared in the oven, topped with cheese, breadcrumbs and possibly liquid cream. As a base, you can use different foods – vegetables, chicken, pasta, seafood, etc. Depending on preference, the recipe can be intensified by adding fresh herbs, garlic or onion.

Comforting dish, ideal for the cold months!

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In general, preparing a gratin (whatever its components) is easy and quick. In our case, all you have to do is cut the vegetables, then prepare the cheese sauce, assemble and bake everything for around twenty minutes. If you need a helping hand with this culinary project, here is our step-by-step explanation of the operation.

Ingredients :

  • zucchini – 5
  • tomatoes – 3
  • egg – 1
  • cheese – ¼ cup grated gruyere, parmesan or cheddar
  • shallot – 1, peeled and cut into cubes
  • garlic – 4 cloves
  • fresh herbs – oregano, basil, parsley, thyme (optional)
  • black pepper and salt
  • olive oil

You can vary the ingredients according to your preferences

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Preparation :

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Wash and cut the zucchini and tomatoes into slices approximately 2 cm thick.
  3. In a bowl, beat the egg. Add the grated cheese, salt and pepper. If using fresh herbs, wash and chop them, then add them to this mixture.
  4. Coat a baking tray. Start arranging the cut vegetables on the tray, alternating the zucchini slices with the tomato slices.
  5. Add the onion and garlic cloves.
  6. Drizzle lightly with olive oil.
  7. Pour the cheese and egg mixture evenly over the vegetables.
  8. Bake for about 25 minutes until the vegetables are tender.

Here is the delicious result!

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Vegan version of the gratin

If you are vegan, adapting the popular recipe to your diet is actually quite simple. Below, we offer you our version that is easy to make without hesitation. An easy vegetarian recipe to make in less than half an hour!

Ingredients :

  • zucchini – 5
  • tomatoes – 3
  • garlic – 4 cloves
  • shallot – 1, peeled and cut into cubes
  • black pepper and salt
  • olive oil
  • whole wheat panko – 1/2 cup
  • nutritional yeast – 1 ½ tsp. to s.
  • fresh herbs – oregano, basil, parsley, thyme (optional)

A light twist on the classic recipe to adapt it to the vegan diet

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Preparation :

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. In a pan, heat 3 tbsp. to s. olive oil. Brown the garlic with the shallot. Season with pepper and salt. If you have fresh herbs on hand, you can also add them at this time.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat.
  4. Transfer it evenly to a baking dish.
  5. Wash the vegetables, then cut them into slices. Arrange them on top of the onion mixture.
  6. Cover with foil and bake for about 25 minutes.
  7. In the meantime, mix the panko with the nutritional yeast and a little olive oil.
  8. Once the 25 minutes have passed, remove the foil, sprinkle the vegetables with the panko mixture and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

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Generally, the gratin will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days. Transfer leftovers to an airtight container or wrap the used container with plastic wrap. It is advisable to use the oven to reheat the dish.

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