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Watering is the main task of every person who takes care of plants. Knowing when, how and how often to water them depends on various factors. But what you can apply to all your plants is an interesting method that is approved: smart watering with lemon water. Do you know this clever technique of using lemon water to hydrate your plants and make them thrive? We will tell you everything about this practice which will help you cultivate a healthy garden and flourishing potted plants.

If lemon water is beneficial for our body, plants should appreciate it too. Let’s see if this guess could prove to be right

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Why use lemon water for watering plants?

Citric acid and vitamin C, minerals and vitamins are delivered to plants when you water them with lemon water. As a result, their growth is stimulated, their health is protected and they become more vigorous. A few arguments below will convince you of the merits of using lemon water.

Many benefits arise from using lemon water for watering plants

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  • Citric acid plays a supporting role in the absorption of nutrients by plant roots. The percentage in lemon juice is around 5%. Be careful with the quantities, as an overdose could be harmful to the plants. It is a good anti-oxidant and anti-limescale. Citric acid is stronger than ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an anti-oxidant that fights against the effects triggered by the action of free radicals. Oxidative stress is not only bad for humans, but for plants too.
  • The antibacterial properties of lemon are well known and widely used as a natural remedy with antifungal effects that help fight diseases.
  • Minerals and vitamins are transmitted to plants thanks to lemon water. Not all chemical equivalents could be absorbed in the same way, compared to what comes from nature.

Take advantage of the qualities of lemon in moderation. The benefits manifest in the balance of everything

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If you’re wondering how to prepare lemon water and in what proportions, it couldn’t be simpler: start by squeezing a lemon. Then dilute the juice in a liter of water and add zest to complete the mixture. Pay attention to the amount of lemon juice, because for some plants the magic potion could turn into poison. Before watering it, find out its care needs. This will better guide you on how to apply lemon water or not when watering.

A single lemon squeezed for a liter of water. This is the formula for the magic potion for plants

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When and how to water your plants with lemon water?

The watering process is exactly the same as you are used to doing. Except now it’s with a natural lemon juice additive. Instead, think of it as a sort of liquid fertilizer and avoid watering the leaves which risk burns. As a reminder, usual watering is done in the morning and/or evening, respecting the needs of the plants. Needless to say when talking about watering, each plant requires different amounts of moisture.

Alternate morning or evening watering with lemon in the water and without, respecting the humidity needs of each plant

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Precautions to take

We have already mentioned that not all plants are equal in their needs. Orchids, for example, are perfectly adapted and require lemon water for the good of their roots. For others, this will not be the case and you risk doing them more harm than good. Despite everything, the best way to be sure you are making the right choice for your plants is to test the potion on a sample from your garden, which you will not regret if following the test you lose them. Another precaution to take is alternating watering with lemon water and without adding lemon. This will prevent over-acidification of the soil. And finally, even if everything is fine in theory, sometimes everything doesn’t go as planned. And you just have to learn from your mistakes.

Before watering all your plants or your entire garden with lemon water, do a test on a small part to see the effect produced

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