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Whether it is its ability to give depth to a room or its ability to improve brightness, the advantages of a mirror no longer need to be presented. This decorative accessory has been the darling of French homes for many years for its functionality, but also for its design side. We particularly like it for the character it brings to a space and the feeling of well-being it instills. Overview of the mirror as an integral element of wall decoration.

The mirror, an emblematic element of wall decoration

Beyond its function, the designer mirror is a decorative object in its own right. Originally associated with narcissism, this accessory is today an essential element, prized by the greatest decorators. It fits into any type of space, regardless of size, and offers many advantages.

The mirror is above all the perfect object to bring light to a room. Installed in front of a window for example, it will reflect natural light coming from outside. You will benefit from a brighter space. A mirror also allows you to decorate a space by giving the impression of making it larger. It will therefore find its perfect place in your living room, where it will perfectly complement your decoration.

This accessory is also available in several models to create various atmospheres. Do you want to create a little cocoon? Emphasize the modernity of your room? Would you rather refine a Scandinavian atmosphere and a hygge art of living? Round, geometric, asymmetrical or heart-shaped, you have a large number of possibilities to create the universe that suits you.

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What type of mirror to choose?

The mirror is a real ally in bringing character to a house. However, your choice must be made wisely to obtain an elegant decoration.

A designer mirror

A designer mirror allows you to decorate your walls in an original way. It also adds charm and authenticity to your interior space. By choosing a high-end designer mirror, you are opting for a contemporary and elegant decorative element. It generally adapts to all styles of decoration and finds its place in all rooms of a house. A true work of art, this accessory is a good way to stand out, with an atypical decor, far from the standards. The designer mirror can have various shapes, sometimes surprising, to meet the expectations of the most daring. You will find models, each more exceptional than the next, in specialized online stores.

A round mirror

Gold, black or steel finish, there is no shortage of choice in the collection of large round mirrors. These timeless decorations dress your walls with taste and elegance. From the entrance to the living room via the hallway, they fit easily into all your spaces. For example, you can opt for a round mirror in the shape of a tree for more originality.

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A geometric mirror

This type of mirror allows you to create a decoration with a graphic style. Square, round or rectangular, geometric mirrors will give character to your space. They are perfect choices to enhance all contemporary style decorations.

A workshop type mirror

This large mirror with a metal structure has now established itself as a chic classic. It particularly highlights an industrial style interior by bringing light and authenticity. Thanks to its raw charm and originality, the workshop-style mirror will enhance your loft-style interior decoration.

A giant mirror

Giant XXL size mirrors have the ability to make a space feel larger and more open. This illusion of additional space will be welcome in small or poorly lit rooms. A round mirror of this size will harmonize very well with any style of decoration and will add character to your interior.

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Some ideas and tips for placing this wall decoration element in a room

Whatever type of mirror you choose, you must position it well to obtain a beautiful result. Here are some tips for properly placing this decorative element and highlighting it in a room.

Choose the Perfect Location

A mirror is even more highlighted when it is installed in the right place. It can, for example, be placed in front of an elegant piece of furniture, a beautiful bookcase or even a retro staircase. You can also place it near a green plant to create a natural atmosphere in your interior. Generally, a wall mirror is placed at a height of 1.70 meters so that you can look at yourself without having your face cut off.

Properly position your mirror next to the light source

A mirror can be effective in making a dark room brighter, as long as you place it well to avoid glare. It is recommended to install it near a window without putting it right in front. Preferably opt for an installation at an angle to avoid direct reflections from the sun. The installation of a mirror must also be done according to artificial lights. If you have a designer pendant light, make sure that it does not fall back in front of the mirror. Furthermore, this accessory should not be too close to a chandelier or in front of a spotlight.

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Harmonize this accessory with your interior decoration

For a unique decoration, you can play with the different styles and shapes of mirrors available on the market. Anyway, take care of keep a unity of colors to obtain a harmonious result. Mirrors in beige tones will go perfectly with a terracotta wall, for example. This combination of warm colors will make a room more welcoming and warm. Have you decided to focus on mirrors adorned with gold moldings? Know that they will form a beautiful alliance with noble wooden furniture, period accessories or even statuettes.

Play with contrasts to enhance your mirror

Old wall mirrors can also enhance your interior decoration if you play on contrasts. In a traditional style space, focus on simplicity by opting for a mirror with smooth edges. Conversely, a gold model with ornate corners will stand out in a contemporary decor.

As you will have understood, beyond its function, the mirror is today a real decorative accessory. It decorates the interior of a home, makes a space more spacious and reflects light. It has established itself in small apartments, but also in the rooms of the most spacious houses. The diversity of models available gives you a myriad of possibilities to create the atmosphere that suits your family. So, are you seduced by this decorative accessory?

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