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In a productive vegetable garden, the vegetables never stop coming. By applying crop rotation, you can avoid diseases, but also explore the soil resources as best as possible. With this in mind, we will see what options present themselves when the zucchini season is over. But we will also talk about other vegetables that are part of the same family and how to organize your vegetable garden intelligently. Crop rotation is a great practice because it allows you to avoid using fertilizers and increase production.

Use green fertilizers to naturally improve the soil

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Crop rotation explained in a few words

The main principle of crop rotation is to never grow the same vegetables two years in a row on the same plot. The idea is that each variety has its own nutrient requirements. For beginners, what you need to remember is to learn how to properly divide your vegetable garden into zones. The second point is to learn to classify vegetables that have similar needs and disease risks, which should not follow each other.

To make things easier, you can divide your vegetables into 4 groups:

  • Root vegetables: they will root very deeply to look for nutrients. Beets, carrots, radish and parsley are undemanding.
  • Leafy vegetables: know that this type of vegetables needs a lot of nitrogen: salads, leeks, all cruciferous vegetables.
  • Seed vegetables: they are the ones who repair greedy vegetables by fixing nitrogen. Among these saviors are lentils, peas, broad beans and beans.
  • Fruit vegetables require soil very rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. They are known to be extremely greedy. In this category, you have tomatoes, eggplants and all cucurbits.

Pests can remain in the soil for many years

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What vegetable to plant after zucchini?

Green fertilizer

The zucchini season is already over, but what to do with the vacated plot? At the end of the season, you can plant mustard, rye and buckwheat as green manure, the soil will become lighter and more furnished. Zucchini roots are moderately deep, but they still draw in nutrients and trace elements. But also the fertilizers used during their cultivation will not necessarily be beneficial for all other crops. Ultimately, it is a good idea to restore soil fertility.

You can also strengthen the soil by adding organic matter

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Garlic and onion are easy to grow, but they also have the power to disinfect the earth by destroying pathogenic microorganisms. So, if you are in doubt about crop rotation, plant these two vegetables without fear after the zucchini. Otherwise, carrots and winter radishes will take the place of zucchini without any problem. For next year, tomatoes can be a worthy replacement, whether in a greenhouse or in the ground outside.

Soil fertility is the guarantee of an abundant harvest

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Aromatic plants

Aromatic plants grow wonderfully after zucchini: dill, parsley, celery. Beans and peas can be planted before and after zucchini, because they are not demanding and also provide nitrogen to the soil. If you are growing squash, it is important to mulch the soil for the winter, which you can explore again early next year with vegetables. To summarize, zucchini does not leave a negative impact on the soil. So you can plant almost anything apart from vegetables from the same family.

Adopt crop rotation for a 100% organic vegetable garden

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Clean the soil of all debris before each planting

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