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We all gain weight, but in different ways. Some have a bulging stomach, others accumulate fat in the area of ​​the hips, buttocks, arms, face. It turns out to be very important to know which part of the body gains weight first in order to recognize the signs that our body gives us in time. It is very specific and can even tell you the exact cause of weight gain. This way, you can lose weight effortlessly. Read this article to learn how to do it.

Gaining weight in one or another area always has a reason

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Why am I gaining weight for no reason?

Eh yes. Some people gain weight without eating much. What are the reasons ? It is possible to have a family predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, stress, depression, hormonal imbalance, age. As we have already mentioned above, everyone has their own specificities, without distinguishing between women and men. But in principle, it is considered that the majority of women store fat in the hips, buttocks and thighs, while men gain fat in the stomach and shoulders. Of course, there are exceptions.

For women, very often, they have “angel wings”

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Which part of the body grows first?

I only take belly

In general, a big belly could be the result of two problems: poor eating habits and insufficient physical activity. The reason may be excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially beer which gives you a “beer belly”. As a result, you still have constipation. This means the slowing down of digestive functions that cause the bloated belly.

It can be linked to a change in diet, pace of life, or a period of stress.

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Why am I gaining weight in my upper body?

The “sausages” on your back tell us a lot. Back then, you were probably very active in training, after which you were forced to lead a more sedentary lifestyle. Or certainly, you are still used to exercising regularly and cycling a lot. This problem suggests that you have high cortisol levels. It’s this stress hormone that causes fat to accumulate on your upper body. The reason is that you consume more calories than your body burns. Pay attention to your diet. The quantity itself is not so important, but the intervals in which you eat. If you eat meals more often and divide your food into smaller portions, your metabolism will speed up.

You eat a lot of sugar and stay still for most of the day

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I’m only getting bigger in my hips!

Most often, it is women who accumulate fat in their buttocks and thighs. In general, it is due to hormonal imbalance, but also to the morphology of the female body. Poor diet, too rich in lipids or a sedentary lifestyle can be the cause of this phenomenon. But also, it is anxiety and stress which are the great enemies of your figure. They are the ones who make you eat too many sweets and unhealthy treats.

A belt of fat forms around your hips

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The lower part of the legs

However, there is nothing you can do about full calves and ankles because you owe it to your genes. Most women face it, as well as those who have varicose veins. Going down and up the stairs will help, but very little.

It’s also good to avoid salty raps

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The chubby face

Puffy cheeks and a double chin can also be a problem for your face. It’s not always related to general weight gain, but to water retention and your genetic predisposition. If this is not so much the case, you can overcome this problem with the special exercises for your face.

They will help strengthen the muscles and refine your oval

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What causes rolls?

The back can sometimes be a site of fatty bulges. They appear under the bra, this area called “angel wings”. They are very unpleasant, because they are visible even under clothing. Rolls appear due to lack of physical activity, poor diet, poor sleep pattern and insufficient water consumption. Eating too much sugar can also contribute, causing the body to store fat in various places in the body. Often, they are found in overweight people.

Morphology and hormonal changes can also contribute

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