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As the banana tree is a tropical plant, it is completely normal that it fears cold and frost. This is why precautions must be taken to protect it from low winter temperatures. But, if you left your plant outside and it got cold, you are in the right place, because today we are devoting this article to the theme: Frozen banana tree, what to do. Find out without delay how to save the plant that has caught a cold in the following lines. It’s yours !

Here’s how to save a banana tree that has frozen

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Help ! Frozen banana tree! What to do ? Here are the survival strategies that work!

The banana tree is a plant that cannot tolerate temperatures below 8°C and if it is left outside in autumn or winter, it will get cold, that’s for sure. In fact, it is a plant native to tropical climates that needs warm and humid conditions to survive. So, in winter, it is better to place the banana plant in a cool and bright place, at around 5-6° C. This can be a veranda or a greenhouse.

In winter, it is better to place the banana plant in a cool, bright place, at around 5-6° C.

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What to do if the banana tree freezes?

If the leaves of the banana tree have frozen, they will not establish. In fact, the parts destroyed by frost can be cut 25-30 cm from the base, because they will not regenerate. Then place the plant in a dry location and do not water until the banana plant recovers. Don’t worry if it loses the frozen leaves, this is normal. Give it some time and it will start again.

Banana leaves destroyed by frost will not regenerate

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Prevention: When and how to protect the banana tree from the cold?

To prevent this situation from happening again, it is best to take action once fall arrives. The banana tree must be overwintered before the first frosts expected for each region. Don’t wait too long, because a temperature of around -7° C can seriously damage your tropical plant. So, at the end of October-beginning of November, bring the banana tree into a veranda or greenhouse. Or, if you’re growing yours outside and it’s very large to move or planted in the ground, follow the steps below to protect it from the winter cold.

At the end of October-beginning of November, it is good to bring the banana tree into a veranda or greenhouse

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Towards the end of autumn (October-November), you will need to cut back the lower leaves of the plant. This will prevent them from freezing. Then, you must protect the stem by surrounding it with a chicken wire or a winter cover. Please note that you must leave around twenty centimeters between the stem and the fence. But, don’t worry, you will fill this distance with dead leaves or straw to provide a second layer of protection.

Towards the end of autumn (October-November), you should start overwintering the plant.

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Once the trunk is protected, we move on to the next step: mulching the stump. We must not forget about root protection. To do this, put a good layer (40-50 cm) of dead leaves or straw at the base of the banana tree. In addition, it will prevent weeds and the decomposition of this protective layer turns out to be natural composting which will promote soil fertility.

At the end of April-beginning of May, you can remove the protection or take the plant out.

Step-by-step guide to successfully overwintering the plant

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The banana tree is a plant that cannot tolerate temperatures below 8°C.

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As the banana tree is a tropical plant, it is completely normal that it fears cold and frost.

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Tips and tricks for saving a banana tree that has caught a cold

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Precautions must be taken to protect the banana tree from low winter temperatures

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